What’s going on in the future? 未来はどんなだろう?

I met one of my friends and talked many things yesterday.
When she told me that the latest progress of technology was remarkable, I remembered a story which I read through the Internet recently.
This is the story.
“Wisconsin-based technology company Three Square Market announced that they will be implanting a tiny microchip in between the thumbs and index fingers of willing staff members.
This chip will allow them to unlock doors and pay for meal, without using an ID card.
Many of the workers are enthusiastic about the idea with 50 out of 80 workers signing on to receive the RFID implant.
Hesitant employees are also given an option of a ring with a built-in RFID chip that works in a similar way.”
I was surprised that over half of the workers have signed to receive the RFID implant.
I’m even afraid of the word “implant”. I can’t imagine a chip is in my body.
After I told this story to my friend, I felt strange.
I felt like someone saw us and talked like “They are afraid of such a small thing. They would be surprised many things if they could come here now.”
Wow, did someone come around us from in the future?
No way, it was just my imagination and I want to see the future.
What’s going on in the future?


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